Saturday, June 9, 2012

Day 70

Just wanted to share my new favorite picture of Nate. We got him dressed this morning in his cute elephant outfit and bear hat. I just happened to snap this picture during one of his silly smiles.
He is one funny little boy.


  1. Keep growing Nate!!!! You are absolutely ADORABLE!!!

  2. Such a cute little guy! I can definitely tell he's getting some cheeks & the cute little baby belly! He's sooo darn cute! I love the little smile. Cute clothes & little hat too. Did someone make that? So adorable!

  3. Dear Todd and Dusti! We've been watching your blog and praying for you constantly. What an adorable little guy.
    we'll keep those prayers coming!
    Aunt Mary Ann and Uncle Reed

  4. I just came across your blog. SO touching and your little Nate is one fighter. Thank you for sharing your story of courage and faith. You have an adorable family.
