Wednesday, July 23, 2014

More Summer Fun

Here we are with another post with a bunch of random pictures from all of our summer adventures! Sit down and get comfy, because this is a long one :)

Don't get too excited about this picture...we are just having some fun with the potty right now. We are doing nothing serious. He is very interested in the toilet and what goes on in the bathroom so we bought him a potty chair so he could feel like a big boy. He's going to hate me in 10 years for posting this but it was just so cute to see my little baby on the potty :) 

My favorite part of the day is seeing this little bug with his bed head at breakfast time.

Do you think he might want some more oatmeal??

Baby selfie :)

 What a nice helper! He loves to help do the dishes. And by do the dishes, I mean make a huge mess and get water all over my kitchen. Good thing he's cute :)

On the 4th of July, we were able to go camping with some very special friends of ours, the Barons. We had a great time and Nate did great on his first real camping trip. This picture was taken at 6:30 am. I didn't even think about bringing quiet toys to play with in the tent so we entertained ourselves with the camera until everyone else was awake.

The Barons had just got back from a trip to Hawaii just before our camping trip. Erica was so sweet to think of Macie and Ellie while they were there. She got them these beautiful flower clips that fit perfectly on our dolls.

Nate and I were able to go up to Idaho Falls with my parents a few weeks ago and ride some of the rides at the park. Nate loved riding on the carousel.

But he wasn't too sure about the ferris wheel.

The train was, by far, his favorite. Don't pay any attention to how ridiculous I look riding on this tiny ride!

Here is Nate's new swimming suit. He was still using his 9-12 month one from last year but it was starting to get really tight. I decided I'd get him a new one now while they are on sale. I got a 2T hoping it would last through next summer. I'm thinking I won't have to buy him another one for a LONG time. It is huge on him!

Todd's favorite family night activity...wrestling.

Nate playing in the water before 9 am and in his pajamas...this is my favorite part of summer :)

This video needs some explanation. We call this move the "Old Man Shuffle" and here's why...Nate and  I were at the library one morning, which we do every week. This week happened to be voting day. There was an older man walking by with a cane. He was very slow and shuffling around. Nate came up behind him and started shuffling too. Then, he shuffled around the man and looked up at him and started laughing! It was so embarrassing! Now all we have to do is say "Do the old man shuffle" and he'll start doing this. It is hysterical!

Nate really hates getting his teeth really hates it. I literally dread this time of day every single day. It's exhausting holding him down and forcing the toothbrush in his mouth.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Blog Slacker

 It's been a super crazy summer so far! Between traveling, painting our house (inside and out), and about a million other house projects, I feel like I've had no free time to update the blog. Hopefully things will slow down soon, but, until then, you'll have to enjoy long but infrequent posts :)

Nate and I were bored one afternoon so we went over to Kings to look around. He spotted this little lawn mower and started pushing it around the store while we shopped. When it was time to leave, I told him that we had to go and put it back. He looked at me like I had just broken his heart! Now, I know most people will think that I am a total push over and Nate is going to be a spoiled brat but if he would have thrown a fit, I would have had no problem saying "sorry, not today". He just really really loved it! So, we went home with this little $7 lawn mower and he has played with it every single day for the past 2 months :) 
I love this picture of him "helping" Todd

And if I haven't mentioned it enough, here's another picture of Nate watching the garbage truck. It is such an understatement to say that Nate LOVES everything that has to do with garbage. He has his bib on because he had to run to the door, mid breakfast, to watch. 

The fire station near our house had their open house a few weeks ago and we took Nate again. He really enjoyed seeing the fire trucks and now every time we drive past the fire station, he yells "Yeah!" from the back seat.

He was too nervous to try spraying the fire hose.  

Nate had his first campout! Our ward had their fathers and sons campout last month and Todd really wanted to take Nate. Since it was an hour away, Todd decided to just stay home and camp in the backyard. They had a fire and partied in the tent until after 9. Unfortunately, Nate got cold around 2 am so they came in. I guess it's good they didn't go so far away.

We took a trip to the Idaho Falls Zoo with my family a few weeks ago. Nate didn't care too much about the animals. He just really loved running around like a crazy man.



We had an extra little man for a day last week. We've had extra kids before but never for a whole day. Usually, after an hour or so, Nate goes in his room and shuts the door because he gets overwhelmed with having someone else around. He did great with little Liam! By the end of the morning, they were great friends (which makes their moms both happy :)



This is one of my favorite videos of Nate. It shows off some of his funny "quirks" that we find hilarious.
1. He still LOVES Ronald McDonald! I finally printed off the picture that I took of Nate with him and put it into his little picture book. He looks at it every day.
2. About half way through the video, you can see Nate's best attempt at jumping. The funny thing is, he thinks he's really jumping high but his right foot never comes close to leaving the ground :)
 3. He loves his little music box toy. My mom got it for him when he was tiny and, at first, I thought it would be one of those toys that gets played with for a while and gets shoved in a corner. I was so wrong! Nate carries that toy around with him everywhere he goes. It plays 6 or 7 different songs but he only likes one of them. It plays in our house ALL DAY LONG. If you try to sneak in and change it, he'll push the button as fast as he can to change it back to his favorite. He knows exactly how many pushes it requires to get back to the song he likes. It's hysterical!