Monday, September 10, 2012

Settling in

Nate is now 9 pounds and 20 1/2 inches long! He is back on track gaining about an ounce a day so he is quickly catching up in the weight department. He's still not even close to being on the height chart though. Poor kid. He's so much fun lately because he is just starting to smile. He isn't super consistent yet but every once in a while we can get a good one out of him. Here's the only picture I've been able to get so far. Also notice his shirt in the picture. Our good friends got Nate this shirt and it's Todd's favorite :)

Here's a couple other random pictures from the past week. I need to start getting the camera out more often...
He's definitely got his Daddy's grey eyes
He has just started growing out of his newborn size clothes but he still isn't quite big enough for some of his 0-3 month stuff yet. I could resist trying this one on him the other day though. Hopefully he'll fit into this a bit better before it gets too cold.


  1. He looks so good! Emma was still in newborn clothes until thanksgiving last year! And she could probably still fit into some 0-3 month still if I wanted her to because she's so skinny. Conner on the other hand is a tank and grows so fast, both up and out.

  2. Congratulations Dusti! He is adorable! I hope you're doing well! What a precious little miracle!
