Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Labor Day, Crazy Hair, and Nap Time Parties

These posts just keep getting longer and longer and take me forever to finish. I need to break them up into shorter and more manageable posts so I can get more than 1 up each month. I'll work on it...

Labor Day Weekend
We had a great Labor Day weekend this year. It started on Saturday with the Pocatello marathon. I've always wanted to run in a race but between school, fertility treatments, and being pregnant, the past 7 years have been too crazy. I chose to do the half marathon and started training back in April. Since I hadn't done any form of exercise since before I got pregnant, it took quite a while to get back in to it. 

The race went well. My favorite part was seeing this being pulled behind Todd's bike around mile 8. Everyone was jealous of my mobile cheering section :) 
Nate was a champ and really enjoyed the food and treats at the end of the race. I'm not sure if I will ever do another race but it was great to check something off my bucket list.

Labor Day at the Zoo
Monday, we decided to go up to the Idaho Falls zoo with my family. It was a great plan but the weather didn't end up cooperating at all. It rained ALL day! It didn't stop us though. We bundled everyone up and enjoyed lunch at the park and the animals at the zoo. I didn't get any pictures of the zoo but I did get this video of Nate playing on the playground. He loves anything that spins so this toy was a favorite.

Crazy Hair
Nate is getting quite a bit of hair but no one can ever see it because it's so blonde. Here is some proof that he actually has hair :)

Nate is still a great sleeper but has started doing a little more playing before falling asleep for his naps. I think he's getting ready to start taking just one nap instead of 2.  I'm not quite ready yet though so we're trying to hang on to the morning nap as long as possible. I took this video the other morning. Nate was supposed to be sleeping but instead he discovered the curtains.

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