Wednesday, April 3, 2013

12 months

Well Nate bug is now 1 and he has suddenly started acting like a big boy. His personality is really starting to show and he's such a funny little kid.
  • He has decided that he no longer wants to be a baby and eat baby food. We gave him a celery stick to gnaw a couple of weeks ago and since then, he has wanted nothing to do with that mushy baby junk. Unfortunately, he still isn't quite ready for chewing chunks of food so we're stuck just waiting until he stops gagging at everything that goes in his mouth.
  • He is getting a mouth full of teeth! I forgot to mention on last month's post that his first tooth had broken through. This month, he broke through his other bottom tooth, one of his top teeth, and has 3 more close to the surface. With all of those teeth popping in, I probably don't need to mention how grumpy he has been lately.
  • He has learned how to act shy. Anytime someone talks to him while I am holding him, he grabs around my neck and buries his face in my shoulder. Don't be fooled though, it's all just an act for a minute or two.
  • His favorite toy these days is anything that is round and rolls. He has quite a few balls of different sizes and he loves them all! He is very good at throwing them across the room and likes rolling his big ball back and forth to us.
  • He is obsessed with being outside! We have been loving the warmer weather lately and spending quite a bit of time in the stroller or out on the swing. He still loves watching cars go by on the street and gets very excited every time one passes by. We often walk down to a busier street and just watch cars for a while in the afternoons.
  • He's no closer to crawling this month but he is much more steady on his feet and really loves holding our hands and walking around (there is a video of this on the Easter post). When he decides he wants to go somewhere, he grabs our fingers, pulls himself up, and gets going (usually straight toward the front door to go outside).
The nurses made this for us with the babies' footprints on the day they were born. I have it framed in Nate's room and I love it. From left to right - Macie, Ellie, and Nate. 

Here's a better angle

He puts all of his toys on his face but this one he can see through.  I think he was sad he didn't end up with glasses and decided to make his own :)

We had to break out the hat since we are spending so much time outside lately and he still has no hair :) He thought he was very cool

Helping me fold Dad's socks

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